Setting up emails for BOPIS by RANDEMRETAIL

How to setup Emails in BOPIS by RANDEMRETAIL

To ensure you can send the right communications to your customers we have built in an email sending module into the BOPIS application. This takes a few bits of setup and a level of coding which makes it a slightly more advanced feature.

Additionally, if you have an external email sending system (E.g. Mailchimp, Hubspot) you are able to integrate your BigCommerce to that system which will allow you to create the emails you need there and manage how to workflows send.

The application has 6 emails built in. These are:

  1. Click & Collect order confirmed

  2. Standard order confirmed

  3. Order Collected

  4. Order Completed

  5. Order Shipped

  6. Timeslot reminder

Each of these emails are individually editable as well as individually enabled.

The flow of setup for the emails follows enabling and customising your emails as required then connecting the application to your email system. This will need SMTP details to send through your domain.

STEP 1: Customise emails

The first step is to customise the emails to match your customer communications and your business branding.

To navigate into the email editor follow these steps:

  1. Navigate into the BOPIS Application within BigCommerce.

  2. In the Menu click Email Templates under Settings.

Here you will see a table of all the emails in the application which can be enabled.

Once here you can click "Edit" in the table against the email you would like to modify. This will take you to the screen to edit and modify the email, as well as enable and disable the specific email.

To edit the email it is currently required to edit it as raw HTML. The best way to do this is to copy and paste the content into a text editor to make the changes you need, then once you are fine with the changes copy the code back into the application and replace the email you were editing.

There are a few "codes" which form part of the emails, these are pieces of information which the application picks up and replaces with the related information. E.g. The code <# OrderNumber /> will place the associated BigCommerce order number in the place of that code.

The final pieces to do is to click the switch labelled "Enable", this will turn on the email and make sure it is sent when the trigger state is hit.

STEP 2: Setup SMTP Details

To ensure the emails are sent and are being sent from your own business domain we require the application to be integrated into your emails systems via applying SMTP details into the application.

You will need to gather a range of information which will come from your email system provider (e.g. Microsoft, Gmail). This information gives our system access to send emails using your email domain and the setup you need. The main requirement here is to put in the name you want emails to be coming from, the email you want them to come from and give our app the details for your email server.

To get to this information navigate into the BOPIS app, then in the menu under Settings click Email Configuration.

This page is where the SMTP details are filled out, you might not need to enter all the information, so enter the information provided by your email system or email provider, after everything is entered please click save. This will enable the settings. Now whenever the emails hit the trigger point they will be sent to your customers using the SMTP details provider, this will make the emails be sent from your domain.